It’s Here!
The Grace to You Bible App Is Ready to Download.
What can you expect?
Once you install the Grace to You Bible App and download required files, sign in with your Grace to You website account to share your personalized data—notes, highlights, bookmarks, and more—across all your devices. If you upgrade your phone or tablet, just download the app, sign in, and your information will be there.
Even better, if you get The MacArthur Study Bible notes (available for in-app purchase), signing in will give you access to those notes across devices and platforms—buy the notes once, use them everywhere!
After signing in, you’ll see the main Bible screen. From there you can tap on any verse to access Grace to You’s library of resources related to that verse.
May the Lord bless you as you study His Word!
For more information, visit
Help us spread the word.
Know anyone who might be interested in this app? Forward this email to family and friends or share the news on social media. We want to put this free app into as many hands as possible!
Gabriel Powell
Internet Ministry Coordinator